there are about 200 of us in a secret fb group---its invitation only---but lots are on this site.
PM me and i can take it from there.
my sister encouraged me to join facebook again to share our holiday pics, whilst i am on the dreadful place, i may as well join the group for ex jws here in the uk, anybody have a link or can tell me how to join please?
there are about 200 of us in a secret fb group---its invitation only---but lots are on this site.
PM me and i can take it from there.
when the wt sells property for a billion dollars profit, who decides what that money is going to be used for?.
when all the money comes in from all the kingdom halls bank accounts worldwide, did all that money go into one big account and who has authority to spend it and cut some checks to whoever?
when all the monthly donations come in to the watchtower headquarters, who decides distribution, and to who?
anyone here attending the brighton rc this weekend?
hope it's my last....
If you want a city by the sea try Portsmouth. Proper maritime history there!
you in pompey then freddo ?--i'm just acroos the solent--pm me if you want to.
just relaxing with my morning coffee enjoying looking at the pictures fipper shared of the camping trip when the dreaded knock came.
of course the dogs beat me to the door followed by my daughter trying to catch them, she looks through the giant peep hole and waves me away saying "its them.
" i almost just walked away from the door when i saw the sweet face of a 5/6 year old little boy with his mom and dad and couldn't resist talking to them.. i opened the door and smiled and said jehovah's witnesses?
through personal experiences which i'd rather not relate because it would give away my identity i have come to a realization.
many brothers own businesses that a greatly supported by witness activities.
when local congregations need some service they will prefer to do business with a jw.
oooooooooooooooooohh i get it now-----and i thought it was all just the usual good old armageddon / resurrection / new world / everlasting life bolllocks that my old dad and mum bought into.
so it really is just a money making scam for those in the know----ripping off and stitching up the rank and file.
i ought to get back in quick--ive got a few ideas that should see me right.
found this interestinga week ago...recently i had a brother who does life insurance for a living call me to see if i was interested in a offering, since i was keen on taking up a insurance policy for my 1 year old daughter for her education purpose 20 years down the line i told him that he can come over,fast forward todayhe comes over with his manager (not a jdub) and we have a long chat about the various long term insurance plans... i found it very strange that a guy who believes that the world end is imminent would be so keen on selling me a policy with a tenure of 20 to 25 years .. in my mind , i'm thinking " is he serious ??
"well after i agree to buy a policy for my child and specifically stating that its for her future education to pursue whatever higher education she likes, the manager encourages me saying " that's amazing , cos of education will increase in the future so on etc "... btw i live in a developing country when education is not i'm done with all the paper works and the manager leaves, so its just me and the brother ( who is a ms by the way )i asked him, doe she really think i made a good choice paying for a expensive insurance plan for 20 years with good returns considering the end was so near..he was dumbstruck i aksed the question, he took a moment and hesitated and said this !!!
!he was like "i don't ever think the world will end anytime soon "do i sense another dissenter .... perhaps a fellow man.... i'm excited :)
we used to be so close before she got heavily involved in the jw religion.
she actually got me into it (i actually believed all the nonsense) and i went to meetings with her and everything, we were like brother and sister.
she lives in texas now in a remote area where their is no cell phone signal or anything with her dad and mom (i think they said they moved their to get closer to jehovah which is weird).
She lives in Texas now in a remote area where their is no cell phone signal or anything with her dad and mom (I think they said they moved their to get closer to Jehovah
aah--so jehovah is in texas now----i wondered where he'd gone.
am finding a whole lot of acronyms that are really foreign to me and i now have an appreciation for what cult language sounds like to non-culters.
wondering please if you can post your definitions so i can get up to speed.
otherwise, as an indoctrinated ex-culter, i am inclined to create my own new light and swiftly it will be gospel.
slight trip off topic--who remembers words like
how many would be up for a decent sized uk meet up?.
i haven't been to any and would happily help organise one.. snare .
where abouts are you snare ?
i know lots of UK XJ's--many are on a FBook site --members only. i can promote your meet up on there if you want.
its been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?